Meet my tongue 👅

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Since my front teeth have started to come out, I’ve been more curious with the weird textures in my mouth and using my tongue to soothe/distract. 

this is what I think of the go home vent


Today’s edition of who wore it best:

I’ve figured out how to curl my hair around my fingers

I’m not sure who decided to go from apple sauce to peas but that was such a huge downgrade. You can’t fool me upright humans! Though the peas I was fed today didn’t really taste like anything, the speech therapist said I did very well with my openness to allowing a spoon near / in my mouth (even after gagging!)

seriously guys, SO gross

The tricky part of the tasting is that speech therapy wants me to be able to sit more upright and well, with this go home vent, it’s been a true struggle 😩

This is how I would look on the last mile of a marathon race 

I’m flying like the super dog on my onesie! The bib serves as my cape 👊🏻

Sock game on point with outfit 💯

Apple sauce nom nom nom

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Today I got to try applesauce with mommy and the speech therapist. At first I was not very happy sitting in the chair but I am suppose to be as upright as possible during feeding. I got over it after being distracted by Jessica (she’s purdy), the Physical Therapist who decided to join the party. There’s only a small window that active stuff can happen right before my feed or else I might spit up. I hope they figure it out though, since I want to be more active and not lay around all day tip-toeing around feeding times. 

Same deal, they put small itsy bits of apple sauce on my hands and empowered me to explore/taste on my own time. I never felt forced even when they put the spoon in my hand. Not sure what that contraption is for but my fingers are way easier. Speech said my taste buds would be diminished for now but it was still nice getting to taste even though I didn’t swallow large amounts. I overheard peas are next 😖

Playing with my new toy from Auntie Karen. It’s the ferris wheel of infinite fun!

Snoozing after a pretty big spit up 🙁 while mommy read Dragons Love Tacos 2, maybe that spicy salsa part provoked me