Gastric emptying study

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Since I have been gagging and throwing up a little bit more since transitioning to the go home vent, the Aerodigestive team thought it would be helpful to do a gastric emptying scan to see if my stomach muscles are working properly or if there is a delay in food being sent to the small intestine. The procedure used a radioactive nuclear medicine mixed with breast milk inserted through my g-tube to determine how quickly food leaves my stomach. The radioactive substance allows the camera to follow the food through the digestive process. I had to lay still for nearly 1.5 hours while the camera took pictures. 

field trippppp
Strapped in to limit movement

Meanwhile, as this study was being carried on, mommy and daddy were busy doing this 

good grief guys, include me in the fun next time 🙄
Thanks for ditching me.

But they made up for it by smothering me when they came back 

Save me mommy 

check me out sitting cross legged

Snuggling with mommy

Bongo time with my lady

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I was bored out of my mind after waking up from a nap when the lady with the guitar came to save me. Today she introduced many more instruments for me to participate in her band.

This is me singing my heart out to my lovey

It’s so great that daddy is around more now. We get to do things together that we both enjoy: