Graduation Day: Moving on up to the 5th

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I’ve finally graduated to the transition to home floor today, as a part of the home mechanical vent program. I don’t get as much attention from the nurses on the 5th since the ratio is 1 nurse to 2-3 patients but at least my guests can eat in the room now and there’s a private bath/shower for them! I also get my own TV that has movies music games etc but Mommy keeps saying it’s “broken”. 😳

The ride from the 3rd to the 5th floor was fun. My primary nurse helped to pack my millions of books so I was good to go as soon as a bed opened up on the 5th. 

just waiting around for my ride to the 5th

Rolling into the new digs 

Promoted to the big boy crib (not a fan of the softer mattress tho)

First time for bolus feed straight through the venting tube rather than the feeding pump. This means a much faster rate into my tummy (10 mins vs 30 mins)

Thank goodness the lady with the guitar found me even though I moved to another floor. 

maybe she won’t notice if I place my hand on her guitar
My band has increased by 2. Love shaking it up with Grandpa and Grandma!

I’m so happy my grandparents are here to play with me😍

Back to the Astral

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So they tried me on the LTV 1200 and since things didn’t get any better in the last 4 days, I was switched back to the Astral go home vent. Just FYI, that LTV vent is SO loud with sensitive alarms that constantly go off and water that leaks all over the dang place. The battery life is also less than the Astral at 4-6 hrs versus Astral’s 8 hours. It’s heavier and uglier too.

switched back to the Astral vent on the right-hand side 

custom stroller fits better!

I was happy as a clam until sleep fought with me

Weeeee FREEEEEEE from my helmet! 

Still partying after my trach tie change and stoma care. Def won the battle against nap time.
My grandparents have come to visit me!!!  It’s going to be a fun next few weeks 😍