Automobile Driving Museum

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Superbowl Sunday was also free museum day for select museums. We visited the Automobile Driving Museum in El Segundo. So many cars, fancy and cool 🕶

Mint green, FTW
This looks like the Ghostbusters car
Fancy schmancy
This little wood paneled vacay car is so cute!
This one was my fav car
this is me battling a Costco sized boom chicka popcorn bag… I think I’m winning
Super bowl Sunday. Why is everyone looking above me.
Heyyyyy wait a minute, why am I the only one who has to follow a no screens policy 🙄
Hello, just shopping
Sweet potato everywhere but don’t care
Don’t tickle me! I’m ticklish 😬
The uprights have decided to trust me on my own with just a few cushions to catch any falls. I’ve been able to explore more and reach for things while catching myself when about to fall.
Brush brush brush
Yoga ball stretches

In search of all nearby parks 🔎

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Since coming home, mommy has been taking me to all the parks within walking distance of our home

Dale Page Park … I don’t know guys but it sure looks like it’s going to rain soon
Perry Park

Some lady had a random parrot on her shoulder 🦜 They sang the Tommorow Annie song together. 🤔
Columbia Regional Park
Enjoying some chick fil A on the park benches

Taking a little snooze with mommy 😴
I’m a big boy now, I get to join the Uprights dinner table!
I’ve got my fry sword in a secure grip
Some quality time with daddy
Meanwhile…mommy went to Las Vegas without me!
Waiting for mommy to come home
Still waiting…
Redondo Beach Farmer’s Market
Weather isn’t looking so good
Those look like some serious rain clouds headed our way
I’ll help you construct the IKEA billy bookcase daddy… but there’s something off with these instructions
Wow what a collection…hope I inherit this all
New hairdo