Sea Lab and another try on the swings!

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Today we got to visit the Sea Lab, a marine education center with touch tanks and a tide-pool tank. I have to admit that I wasn’t thrilled with some of the creepy looking sea creatures.

This ugly looking Moray eel scared the hell out of me! 🥺
🎶babyyy shark Doo do do Doo do do dooooo 🐟🦈🎵
I don’t want to touch the water daddy
I’ll just look from far away
I don’t like baths, please don’t drop me in that big tub!
This seal looks flat 😑
Mountains of meat for lunch
I think Jolly Oyster should hire me. I make a great welcoming party.
Super jolly that daddy is buying 3 dozens of oysters for 2 people 🐽 😋🤤
Anderson Park: trying out the normal bucket swings
We started off at a snail pace 🐌
I got it eventually and learned to hold onto the sides
I’m in crawl position all by myself! Now if I could just figure out how to move forward …
Third time’s the charm. Increased swinging speed with the right amount of padding to help my balance in the overlarge bucket swing seat.
Now we’re talking. I’m digging this faster speed!

How come that sumo looking kid gets to swing so much higher than me?!?
Going to a nearby park before the storm arrives. Just mommy and me.
Where is everyone…

Playa Vista Sports Park + Visiting Daddy at Work

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Did you know that kids with disabilities are often excluded from play? We were sick of longingly looking from the sideline at all the kids have fun on the playground. Sooooo Mommy went on a hunt for parks that are more accessible and found one very close to daddy’s work!

Look at me Ma! I get to be part of the fun! 🥳
This park allows children using mobility devices to access every part of the playground, and an extensive ramping system that can bring us to the center of the playstructure.
There were also developmentally-appropriate and sensory-stimulating activities incorporated throughout the play space
Giant sway of fun see saw wanna be that my stroller could get on
My first time on a swing!
Ended up with a fan club surrounding my swing
This is me trying so hard to balance on this springy contraption
Got it down ya’ll. Holding on tight to my ride 😎
I Iike this place so much I came back a second time with my grandparents
I’ve decided to ride a dinosaur instead this time around
I’m pretty sure this is how it would feel riding a real dinosaur
Boing boing boing Check out my low ryder dino, wanna ride? 😗

Now off to daddy’s work place just 5 mins away!

Ready for BIZNESS 🤝
I wanna be like you daddy ☺️