FRYday fun!!! 🍟

I got to hang out on an upgraded bouncer for the first time today. Although I look snug and my hammie bottom is touching the ground, I enjoyed my new bouncy ride so much that I fell asleep. Thanks yee-ma (auntie) and uncle Andrew for my fancy seat. 😍

Nothing to do but cross my legs in a relaxing seat. That fan follows me everywhere, no butts about it.

Ooooo this vibrating motion πŸ’†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
Low ryding. Maybe it’s diet time. 🐽 And yes, that is an upright’s foot being used to bounce me 🀣

Po-po playing with me on the activity mat

Exercise time with Po-Po. πŸ’ͺ🏻 Love the singing 😘🎢

I like it when daddy holds me like thisΒ 
So cozy.

I’ve started to lift my own head up and look down to see what’s going on around my crib

The upright humans are so easily amused. All I had to do was stick my lil’ tongue out to receive massive fanfare. I was intrigued by this successful tactic to get attention.Β 


Β Hasbro came around and gifted me a hand-made quilt and teething toy

You know, I always wondered what daddy and mommy do when they point that little rectangle device towards my face or when I’m napping… Well, gee, thanks guys πŸ˜³πŸ™„


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