Christmas in July

Yup, only in Los Angeles does Surfer Santa Claus come prancing around the NICU to pass out toys. 

Lots of therapy today including PT, speech (pea tasting), and massage (only for mommy since I was napping when the therapist came by). The biggest change though was something foamy being fitted on my head. I hear that I have to wear this puffy marshmallow for up to 4 months, 23 hours a day 😱 But what will the ladies think of my new look!? Will they still shower me with attention 😇

dancing Party dinosaurs, really Mom?! 
As if I didn’t have enough colors on me already 😳

what an interesting stubble texture – daddy, I think you need to shave 🤣
too lazy to figure out what to do with whatever is on my face 
crazy hair, just don’t care 
yay I love sitting up and snooping around me

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