Today I got to try applesauce with mommy and the speech therapist. At first I was not very happy sitting in the chair but I am suppose to be as upright as possible during feeding. I got over it after being distracted by Jessica (she’s purdy), the Physical Therapist who decided to join the party. There’s only a small window that active stuff can happen right before my feed or else I might spit up. I hope they figure it out though, since I want to be more active and not lay around all day tip-toeing around feeding times.
Same deal, they put small itsy bits of apple sauce on my hands and empowered me to explore/taste on my own time. I never felt forced even when they put the spoon in my hand. Not sure what that contraption is for but my fingers are way easier. Speech said my taste buds would be diminished for now but it was still nice getting to taste even though I didn’t swallow large amounts. I overheard peas are next 😖
What a weird bumpy feeling Nom noms Not quite aiming correctly… How the heck do I use this thingie OK spoons are really overrated

I am winning this staring contest, fo’ sho Push-ups against PenPen’s tummy