The great thing about the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles is that I get a new free book to keep every week day! Mommy goes to the reading library (called Literally Healing 😆) to pick a new one for us to read together everyday. There’s summer evening hours now so I might get 2 a day!

I was feeling a little bit better today after the Pulmonary team decided to move my PEEP from 8 to 9. I still think I probably need increased PEEP to compensate for a less powerful/intuitive vent. The ENT team came over today to scope me again and decided to put back in the old custom trach from CHOP to test try if that will help with enabling me to sit up again. They prefer for it to be slightly shorter in length, bigger in diameter, and cuffless. Let’s see what they can custom order.

One thought on “Getting my read on”
The smiles are back.