No, not the adult animated series but my rather, my favorite park in Hermosa Beach! Apparently this park was redesigned by a mom who wanted to create a universally accessible playground, with sensory-rich features. This space has many unique features.
Not your typical looking playgroundThe teeter totter was so much fun because everyone got to participate! Hi nurse plus random kid that freeloaded off our ride Mommy was holding onto me while we bounced up and down.
The second time we came here, daddy held me and was smart enough to figure out a better place for my vent in the middle of the teeter totter Hi Daddy, just checking to make sure you’re still there Moving onto the big swings
Just chillin’There’s also a baby swing but this one doesn’t get as much swing height so not as excitingWhen we came to this park again, I got to sit in the merry-go-round for a longer time because the nurse has a much higher tolerance for spinny rides compared to mommy 🥴But at least mommy proved her worth and pushed us around in circles
Mommy dared not go on this one – so dizzy!
Still spinning…
Thanks for pushing the spinning Christmas tree Po Po!
Po Po was working really hard to keep our ride in motion! 💪🏻The third time we came to this park, the Xmas tree was quite the popular ride because daddy was pushing fast and all of the kids wanted a free ride! Good thing the nurse saved a spot for us. So there’s also this long scary unfinished looking concrete slideMommy test tried it and it seemed intimidating even for her … Something about her jeans feeling like they were on fire 🔥But of course when mommy was not there, daddy decided to take me down this daunting, terrifying slide 😱Grandpa came too for support. Are you seriously wearing sandals daddy!?! I don’t feel safe at all! How can you properly stop with those!!!
Well, we made it but I sure was alarmed at the end … And why was everyone laughing at me 😰😿 I was at a very vulnerable moment in my life 😅
So much love from my grandparents 💗
We also spent some time doing water activities on the grass at South ParkI was hesitant with the water but wanted to take the plastic squirt toys out Eventually they dipped me in the water which I didn’t mind too much since I was distracted watching the kids at the playground Ok how about just one foot for now Pretty flowers on the wood chip path near the park