Visitors from NorCal

My Auntie Queenie and Uncle Nate from Alameda came to visit this weekend and spent a whole lot of quality time with me. All I remember is mommy and daddy constantly stuffing their faces with them 🐷🐽🐖😋

I can stick my tongue out too!
Thanks for my drum toy with the infinity light party 🎉
And my red pocket envelopes! 🤑
These uprights are super fun to hang out with! Please come visit me again soon or just take one of the rooms permanently 😆
Ok fine I’ll look at the camera
Nice one mom 💁🏻‍♀️
Family photo 💕👪
🎶I’m too sexy for my shirt 
Too sexy for my shirt
So sexy it hurts🎵
Checking out the aquarium at the end of Manhattan Beach Pier. It said no strollers but we barged in anyway!
Hello lobster
I’m going to win this staring contest 🐟
Ok who’s next in line. I’ll just stare this grumpie looking fish down 👊🏼
🍕 time
Ok so I’ll have one of each with milk on the side please
Mini to go pizza box. Want. Now.
Ice cream mustache
The EMPEROR has arrived
Thanks to Gung Gung and Po Po for my amazing Chinese New Year outfit. I’ll grow into those pants some day!
Meanwhile… About my head size …
Pushing the big yoga ball back and forth

So I’m waiting in the car for mommy to get boba but all I see out the front window is the above 😳
how embarrassing mommy!
I am ending this post with my sad plunger face

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