A weekend with neighbors!

This weekend I got to spend time with neighbors in Redondo Beach and attend a birthday party for the first time.

Mommy unsuccessfully trying to get me to sleep before guests come over 
Waiting eagerly for the guests. Mommy’s attempt at taming my wild Einstein hair 💆🏻‍♂️
Some entertainment while waiting… Daddy is that you?!? I see your weird socks 🤔
I’m really not sure what to make of this but I can relate fellow creature with short arms that can’t reach too far 
My reaction 😲
Wow this spread 😮
Smores in the backyard again 😋
Cuddling with auntie Lorie 💤
My birthday gift from the guests and my new hat!
Stare down begins
Cheek to cheek 
My new bib
High fives for dayz 👋🏻
Another day, another party. Birthday gift hanging and ready to roll. Off to nearby park 0.4 miles away. 
Apparently 89 people on Evite confirmed to attend this party 😱. These music dudes looked like they seen better days… No one was listening to them and it was chaos with babies all over the place

Not in the mood to play drums but I’ll hold the stick 
So fancy… An official photographer 🤑
The birthday family in their lumberjack outfits
Frosting tasting
Uh oh melt down time. Someone didn’t get any napping in 😶
Back home and still ready to party
What is this meat stick?!

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