Food tastings and a park

Mommy has been test trying different foods with me. It’s mostly been weird textures and flavors but I like that some of it helps with my teething pains. 

Japanese sweet potatoes, specially made by ma-ma
Ahhhhh…. soothing on my teething gums
Carrot 🥕 puree
What a cold sensation from this grape!
I mostly prefer to play with my food instead 😬
Anderson Park, just 0.4 miles away from home! We strollered all the way here. 
One day I will be able to play on that jungle gym
Or maybe I need to start here first for smaller mini uprights 
I like staring at the big trees 
The sun… I can barely see 😑
Third try in the mini tub. Not so good – there’s something about the water that startles me. Took some time to get use to!

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