More visitors, lemons, and just being cute

Ok so I’m REALLY behind with all the stuff that’s been happening lately so here’s a quick 2 week recap for the highlights from 9/14-9/25:

Mommy’s good friend came to visit me again. She went all the way to Philly before and now to LA. I love hanging out with her! 

Happy to not be laying down!
Reading and turning the pages on my own, mommy is too slow 🐌
Chillin’ with the nurse sitting on the side gate of my crib
Reaching for my feet while doing the splits
This is how Mickey would look if he ate too many Disneyland turkey legs
Don’t mind me. Just figuring out what these spikey things are.

What an interesting texture
Cozy belly

New hairdo from the male care partner nurse helper
My sneaky innocent look when I’m trying to cover something 
The grandparents! So much attention and entertainment ♥️❤️💖
Check out my sour face. This was a shocking but familiar taste, I think mommy had a lot of citrus / sour stuff when I was still hanging out inside her tummy.

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