Chocolate Chocolate 🍦

Ok so I didn’t get to go home on Wednesday, 9/12 as originally planned but at least I got to try some chocolate ice cream while waiting. The docs are trying to figure out why I am spitting up randomly. The pulmonology team isn’t comfortable with me going home like this in case of potential aspiration into the lungs. I hope they figure it out too because I don’t like it when they stick the suction in my nose and mouth to clean out the spit up. 👎🏼🙅🏻‍♂️

Abdominal film study to see what’s going on in my tummy
what’s this sweet, cold sensation in my mouth!
Nom noms, happy as a clam

Whoaaaaaaa so tingly cold 
Nope, nope, nope not happy with that cold sensation at all
Ready for the football season 
Playing with daddy’s face

Happy and smiley to be sitting up
Snuggling with mommy
But getting overheated from the body heat exchange

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