Getting fitted for a Walker

I’m about to get new wheelz! Boy, is it liberating to move around on my own but I’m still trying to get the hang of balancing myself as an upright.

Ready to get fitted at CHLA
Ooooo I think I’ll head over there
Not sure how I feel about all of these straps
Oh, well still got places to go
Awesome, I’ll take all of these upgrades to pimp my ride. Let’s talk color, lady. This blue is boring.
Excuse meeeeee, got places to go
Watch me stand up from sitting position! But if I try moving sideways, kerplop 😅
Alrite ready to meet the cuzins
Off to Woodland Hills!
Sup bro, secret handshake time 🤝
Thanks for pushing me around, Ethan!
My peeps at The Village
Whoa, water spouting everywhere!
Mmmmm ramen dinner 😋
Hitting the beach – are all these clothes really necessary 🙄
Check out that huge wave 😮🌊🏄🏻‍♂️
Swinging at Sand Dune Park. Mommy trained in the dunes behind me to prepare for the elevation in China. 🥵
My happy place
Riding on my lion. My feet don’t quite touch the ground yet 😅
But with shoes on!
Being silly during reading time
There’s something …. on my forehead 🤔
Going to school
Look at all the noise I can make!

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