Mother’s Day and Unique Markets LA

For mommy’s second mother’s day, daddy helped me make a card while the nurse helped me with a school art project to make a treasure box for mommy.

A pull out card with my handsome face πŸ’πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
πŸ• for mother’s day πŸ˜‹
Mommy this is so embarrassing 😳
Google hangout video chat with my uncle!
Went to Unique Markets in LA to support mommy’s friend’s booth. There were lots of arts and crafts entrepreneurs.
Easy Sunday Club!
Awesome water color paintings!
Taste testing daddy’s shoulder
Gimmeeeeeeeee 🍜
Nope, none of that gets pass these pursed lips 🀐
Nope, I won’t eat it!
My fav teacher during a home visit
Touching furry panda belly and some fingers
Sprinting outside. Off the vent twice a day, 45 mins each time.
Enjoying the backyard
Off to school. First time wearing jeans!
Feeling fresh after a good nap
First time test trying transportation to CHLA
I’m so pissed at everyone, why would you put me in this claustrophobic loud MRI thingie
Post MRI grumpie lack of sleep, swollen eyes, been crying and sweating the whole time face
Happy to be out of the hospital and going home!
Setting the trend for the new Tupperware hat look

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