Exploring El Segundo

Today we went to El Segundo, mommy’s old neighborhood where she use to work.

Farmer’s market and a lovely trash can
A cart full of Asian snacks! Choose any one snack for free.
That pin jacket, tho
Checked out the nearby Museum of Art. Special exhibit involving food.
Explosive street corn ๐ŸŒฝ
Yup, that’s a piece of toast on the wall ๐Ÿž
Pomegranate tea pot
This was mommy’s favorite post-it on the wall of food recommendations
El Segundo Park
A mini teeter totter that I can sit on my own!
Boing boing boing
Using my upper lip to balance and concentrate
Hanging out with Gator
Playing with moldable sand. Boy, did that leave a mess.
Admiring my handsome self in the mirror
My I’m ALL DONE face
Pequeno Park
This gem looks and sounds like it’s from the 80s
Bouncy bouncy bouncy

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