My first day of School 🎒🚌📚🖍🏫

Mommy enrolled me into a program called SW SELPA (Southwest Special Education Local Plan Area) which provides special education training and services to students with disabilities and delays. It started with weekly home visits by a teacher and then turned into in center based educational play at Kit Carson Elementary when I turned 18 months old. Since my teacher is so popular, I started off with school two days a week from 9am-12pm. Starting this summer though, I will be attending school 3 days a week, Mondays Wednesdays Fridays from 8:30am to 11:30am.

My first sprint trial of 15 minutes off the breathing ventilator at home right before going to school
Hiiiiiiii everyone. Look at me, without my vent!
My loving supportive grandparents here for me during my first sprint trial and the first day of school!!! ❤️😘
Waiting for my classmates to get on the buggy
Following the little buggy carrying all of the other kids in class. One day I’ll ride on it!
My backpack appears to be almost the same size as me!
Nurse comes to school with me. Look at all of the stuff that we need to bring!
Settling into the new classroom
Free play time after everyone does their potty thing in the bathroom
I get two shelves with my name on it to store sruff
Circle Time at 9:30am. We are learning the color purple and the oval shape this month!
I think I already have an admirer. She’s always staring at me. Her name is Liberty.
🎼🎵Ein came to school today 🙋🏻‍♂️🎶
I hope someone noticed how on point 💯my outfit matches the orange and yellow car I am in
Other indoor physical activities we do. I couldn’t quite get down the holding but the swinging was so much fun!
Feeding time with classmates.
Excited to go to school again!
I get to go on an accessible van to and from school. I even get to sit in the front seat area 😮
Stroller ramp. Yay!

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