This weekend was the Festival of the Kite in Redondo Beach 🎏So many things in the sky!
Mommy’s fav kite. It was a pirate ship with rotating propellers in the back.Today’s tasting session: saladdddddd of which I overturned and threw on the ground 🤦🏻♀️What I want to be when I grow up 👨🏻🚀🚀
Being silly 🤪
Ni Hao Mandarin Musical Play at the library Thanks for the translation PoPo! Check out my noise cancelling ear muffs Helps with blocking out those loud sirens and motorcycle revving noises! 🙉Peekaboo with OT!Classy. Awkward shot, mommy!Manhattan Beach Farmer’s Market Red dog!Manhattan Beach Library Meet Rodie. My cow pal.