Strolling along the coast

Manhattan Beach
This house has interesting seats …
Redondo Beach pier
Staredown with Mr. Pelican. He wouldn’t budge and aggressively snapped at Mommy 😱
Redondo Beach. Nice cutie Po Po.
For all those cheesy Instagram shots that uprights do gazing out into some amazing view, well here’s mine 🤳🏼
nahhhh who the heck wants to gaze right into the sun anyways
Standing in my walker
Just showing off my porker leg
All bundled up in my mini human outfit. I’m already sweating.

So PT told Mommy that I need better fitting high-top shoes to help weigh down my feet when I’m standing. We went shopping for shoes and…

I’m laughing in this pic between a serious conversation because mommy is making the chair spin
Yummy toes for lunch

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