Automobile Driving Museum

Superbowl Sunday was also free museum day for select museums. We visited the Automobile Driving Museum in El Segundo. So many cars, fancy and cool 🕶

Mint green, FTW
This looks like the Ghostbusters car
Fancy schmancy
This little wood paneled vacay car is so cute!
This one was my fav car
this is me battling a Costco sized boom chicka popcorn bag… I think I’m winning
Super bowl Sunday. Why is everyone looking above me.
Heyyyyy wait a minute, why am I the only one who has to follow a no screens policy 🙄
Hello, just shopping
Sweet potato everywhere but don’t care
Don’t tickle me! I’m ticklish 😬
The uprights have decided to trust me on my own with just a few cushions to catch any falls. I’ve been able to explore more and reach for things while catching myself when about to fall.
Brush brush brush
Yoga ball stretches

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