✌🏼Fight On!✌🏼

What a busy day today! First we went to CHLA for a follow up appointment with Cardiology to check out my heart. The doctor was saying something about how my pulmonary hypertension seems to have gone away. I think that’s a good thing. One less medication I don’t have to take!

Waiting to be called for the echocardiogram

Then off to feeding therapy

I’m pretty sure this stuff does not belong in my mouth
Gigantic gingerbread house set up in front of the hospital cafeteria. I hope the ants don’t find this.
A visit to Mommy’s school!
I couldn’t figure out the USC Fight On sign with my hand but I got 4 fingers up instead. Close enough. That just means double Fight On right?!?!
I’m feeling very brainwashed at the moment
Hello Hippo. Grandma thinks you are a buffalo. 🤔 That’s going to be your new name. Hi Buffalo 👋🏻
This is a huge campus!
Mommy says University Village changed drastically. Apparently it use to be a dumpy dark dirty old food court.
Even the elevator buttons have school pride on it!
Korean food at USC Village
More visitors and mini uprights!!! Hi Mommy’s friends!

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