Trick-or-Treat πŸ‘»πŸŽƒπŸ¬

To contribute to the family, I decided to earn my keep in the household by trick or treating even though I wasn’t able to eat any of the candy. 

But first, some more physical therapy!

I like mirrors. I’ll reach for that handsome face any day. πŸ’πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
Working on standing
Vroom vroom off we go in my chariot to Riviera Village in Redondo Beach
I found an alternative use to my pulse ox. Mommy was not impressed πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
βœ…cute totoro halloween costume βœ…trick or treat bucket from the 1990s βœ… my fan. let’s go!
wow so much candy everywhere 
What are all these uprights wearing?!
No time for slacking, this bucket is only 1/4 full 
But how will we ever manuever through this crazy crowd!
I’ll just take that entire bag on the table, thank you very much
Ooooo firefighters passing out candy. I even got a sticker from them. 
mommm you’re really derailing our progress!!!
Phew this is hard work. Hanging onto my feed line. Bucket 3/4 filled. Must. Keep. Going. 
#winning. Don’t anyone dare touch my goods! 
The spread. Definitely earned my keep in this family. Mommy called dibs on the 100 Grand 🍫

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