Hanging out with my cousins

My cousins came over the weekend to play with me. I guess I probably should have napped beforehand but I was so excited! Mini versions of the uprights but at my eye level!

Initial stink eye warm up period 
Followed by ultimate stare down while establishing territory on side rail of mini rocker
OK, we friends now 🤣
My cousin drawing awesome artwork for me while daddy cooks
Thanks Auntie for tucking me in with a side roll
My cuz confirming that I fell asleep 
Bunny ears! 🐰
Party pooper time 💩 this is what I get for not napping during the day 😞
I even missed s’mores making time in the backyard 🤦🏻‍♂️
Look at me sit up on my own, unsupported!
Secret to bath success after many tries: the water has to be exactly at 95 degrees, not any hotter and not any colder 🙄
Meattttttttttt mooooooooo 🐮
Nope nope nope, not sleeping tonight, too excited from the day’s activities 

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