Appointment Marathon

The week after my discharge from the hospital was filled with follow up appointments. I was cruising in my chariot almost everyday. 

10/9: appointment with a pediatrician at CHLA

No one warned me I would have to take 3 shots during this visit 😱🚫💉🚫🙅🏻‍♂️ I never ever want to come back here again. The upright humans tricked me 😤

My teething has been bothering me big time. I’ve been putting everything in my mouth. The pineapple was very soothing though 😊🍍

10/10: Helmet follow up in Torrance

This is how I get moved around sans stroller. Daddy looks like Ghost Busters!
Crazy helmet hair, don’t care
Daddy trying to distract me while the Prosthetist Orthotist adjusted my helmet
Pooped after the appointment. My clothes never made it back on.

10/11: Pulmonology follow up back at CHLA. Doctor, dietician, nurse care manager, respiratory therapist and social worker saw me.

Latest weight: 9.6 kg (21 lbs)

Length: 71 cm (27.95 inches)

Weight for length percentile: decrease from 97% to 88%

Chomping on Mr. peacock while waiting for everyone to see me 

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