Diet time

I’m a little offended the uprights think my sexy body and all its rolls are too much. 💁🏻‍♂️💃🏻 How dare they! Apparently my adjusted weight to length percentile is 97%!!! 🐽🐷🐖The dietician has decreased my daily total calories by 5%. Breast milk feedings have decreased from 120 ml to 110 ml per daytime feeding (5 times a day) and 60 ml to 41 ml per hour during the overnight feeds (8 times a night). That’s a total of 878 ml or 29.7 oz of breast milk a day. However, since I was being hydrated through that breast milk, my water intake has increased from 36ml to 50ml per daytime feeding and 19 ml per hour during the overnight feeds. Also, my length is still a bit shorty so they increased the protein amino acid powder from 5g to 6g, three times a day.

Phew, maybe I should just keep kicking in place to supplement the diet regiment. 

Kick kick kick kick 

Maybe this would have been a better submission for the swimsuit model cover. My fat rolls make me look all naked 🙊
fat rolls everywhere, don’t care 
With the weight gain, I’ve applied for Mini Sumo wrestler tryouts. Helmet people had to re-scan my head since the original helmet kept shifting around with my constant laying down. New helmet arriving in 7 business days.

Stare down. It’s on Mr. Peacock

Bloodwork via my finger to double check my low bicarbonate levels 

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