Back to the Astral

So they tried me on the LTV 1200 and since things didn’t get any better in the last 4 days, I was switched back to the Astral go home vent. Just FYI, that LTV vent is SO loud with sensitive alarms that constantly go off and water that leaks all over the dang place. The battery life is also less than the Astral at 4-6 hrs versus Astral’s 8 hours. It’s heavier and uglier too.

switched back to the Astral vent on the right-hand side 

custom stroller fits better!

I was happy as a clam until sleep fought with me

Weeeee FREEEEEEE from my helmet! 

Still partying after my trach tie change and stoma care. Def won the battle against nap time.
My grandparents have come to visit me!!!  It’s going to be a fun next few weeks 😍

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