The Lady with the Guitar Returns

Today was a day packed with therapies galore (speech, music, and massage for me and mommy) but the highlight was definitely when the Music Therapist sang at my bedside.

I hope my chime playing skillz impressed her

O-M-G she let me hold her finger. I’ll never let go!

And thennnnn she let me touch her guitar! 😚I hope she doesn’t notice me creeping towards the back of the guitar. 😶My short stubby arms can’t reach around her shoulder yet. 😳

I tried carrot puree for the first time today! Speech therapy came by and put little bits on my fingers and hands since I already put those in my mouth freely. They did this for about 10 times and made sure it was me that drove whether I wanted to put anything in my mouth rather than shove a spoon in my mouth. Though I now have an aversion to most anything that someone tries to put in my mouth, I only let them put things near my mouth because they were singing songs like Wheels on the Bus to distract me.

Fresh and happy after my afternoon nap

Chillin’ with Sir Hopsalot

Mommy test tried me on the Bumbo today. I was able to sit on my own! But I only lasted for a few minutes because it tired me out while on this new vent. It’s ok, baby steps – I’ll get there!

This mint chip outfit bumbo camouflage tho. No one will ever find me with this combo!

Tuckered out from a full day of activities 

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