Today was a day packed with therapies galore (speech, music, and massage for me and mommy) but the highlight was definitely when the Music Therapist sang at my bedside.

I tried carrot puree for the first time today! Speech therapy came by and put little bits on my fingers and hands since I already put those in my mouth freely. They did this for about 10 times and made sure it was me that drove whether I wanted to put anything in my mouth rather than shove a spoon in my mouth. Though I now have an aversion to most anything that someone tries to put in my mouth, I only let them put things near my mouth because they were singing songs like Wheels on the Bus to distract me.

Mommy test tried me on the Bumbo today. I was able to sit on my own! But I only lasted for a few minutes because it tired me out while on this new vent. It’s ok, baby steps – I’ll get there!