I found my thumb!

Eureka! I was happily chewing on my fingers this whole time to soothe those pesky teeth sprouting from my gums when I discovered a shorter, fatter finger. 

hello there, thumb 👋🏻

not quite as tasty as the other fingers but looks great in the mirror

Speaking of pesky teeth, they are really starting to come out! Mommy didn’t realize one of my top front teeth were already out until a nurse mentioned it to her.

Upon overhearing the uprights talk about the nearby car chase pursuit ending in gunshots, a barricade and hostage situation at the Trader Joe’s, I decided to create my own gang sign to fit in:

sup homie

I was lucky enough to get held by my very special auntie who has given me lots of clothes, toys, and love. 

I’m pretty sure I weigh more than this pretty lady but check out her arms of steel 💪🏻

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