The upright humans seem to think that putting a bunch of toys in front of me will keep me occupied and entertained. Well this is what I think:

😴💤 bore bore snore
It also took them forever to realize pee and poop was riding up my ENTIRE left side and back. How uncomfortable! 😡GET IT TOGETHER UPRIGHTS!

Today I was very happy to meet one of mommy’s close friends that kept me company and showered me with attention while mommy was busy pumping. I hope she comes to visit me again ❣

2 thoughts on “Grown-ups are lazy”
We love and miss you Ein! (and the uprights who are writing this blog). Enjoy the California sun – but wear your aviators next time, if you can’t find them we can lend you some bili light glasses
Nancy, Dot, Carlos & Dr. Cheung!
Hi Nancy and Team! Thank you so much for your message 😍 We all miss everyone at Hackensack, Ein’s roots and birthplace. Bili light glasses would have been a great idea actually. Too bad Ein’s head is so fat (I mean wide 😅) now.