So the uprights tricked me and instead of going on a fun ride to another room, I ended up in an operation room. Cruel, just cruel. I overheard the multi-colored scrubs debrief about some sort of laryngoscopy by the Ear, Nose, Throat doctor to check my tracheomalatia and test out an uncuffed standard sized trach that is slightly shorter than my custom trach. Plus, a deeper bronchoscopy by the Pulmonary team (let’s hope they show up this time š¬Ā no hard feelings CHOP) to
- observe the anatomy and dynamics of the airway, by putting a mini scope through my nose and then through the upper, middle and lower lobes of the right + left lungs
- perform a lavage to see if there’s any evidence of acid reflux, aspirationĀ or other hidden infections
- play with vent settings to optimize what will support me best when I transition to the go home vent
I was groggy at first when coming back to my room but shortly thereafter I was ready to party again

No time to waste during the day time. Gotta keep looking cute no matter how tired I am. Hope my fuzzy top looks good at this angle

Speaking of parties, mommy has been doing weird things with fingers and keeps trying to teach me some form of communication that I just stare at.

That swing tho.